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BY Kilcock Golf Club February 25, 2021

As most of us have a bit more time on our hands, you might enjoy these quotes from famous people.

“Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening – and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.” — Arnold Palmer

“No other game combines the wonder of nature with the discipline of sport in such carefully planned ways. A great golf course both frees and challenges a golfer’s mind.” — Tom Watson

“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots, good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play where it lies.” — Bobby Jones

“Happiness is a long walk with a putter” — Greg Norman

Captains  Tommy  & Eileen

JMC – Important Member Update

BY Kilcock Golf Club February 19, 2021

Dear Fellow Member

As the Joint Management Committee, elected by yourself and your fellow members, who voluntarily work at different levels to ensure the orderly development and the necessary maintenance of your club, we believe in these terrible times of COVID-19 that we should talk directly to our members to outline to all of you the true picture of what is happening within your golf club.

We wish to address the current situation during what is now the important renewal time for every member as we approach another golfing season. We sincerely hope that we will be in a position to reopen next month, and as always, we will be taking the advice of the Government and Golf Ireland.

We are aware that a lot of information has been given to members by way of the weekly newsletter, and we are also aware that some members, for whatever reasons, do not read this on a regular basis. We believe this is a very important communications tool, and together with the newly designed and updated Club website can offer all up-to-date information for members. Having said this we believe that this personal message to all members is necessary to outline the following important points:

  1. This club is a members’ owned club, where no person/family or company, benefits from its operation.
  1. Synergy Golf Ltd work with our club to ensure that we continuously improve the facilities that we provide for our members and visitors, both on and off the course. They are of course a commercial enterprise, and they do charge a fee to the club, which in fact is quite reasonable. Their track record with the club over the last number of years is beyond reproach, and Synergy Golf Ltd, together with your elected management committee, have helped to bring this club from a very delicate financial position following the recession, to a place where in 2020 we generated an operating surplus. However, despite the fact that we got through the problems of lockdown and continued to play golf in 2020, we are not out of the woods yet. The Club also has quite a lot of historical debt, which we have been managing, and the forecast is that in a relatively short period of time we hope to be back to what we believe is a more manageable position. We have also managed to improve the facilities, both on and off the course, and we intend to continue this as funding becomes available.
  1. Yes, we made an operating surplus in 2020, but this is the first time for a number of years. This surplus was used to bring our debt situation down and towards some capital expenditure including the upgrade of the dining room and a new water filtration system.
  1. During the current lockdown period, more money has been spent on the course and club premises than at ‘normal times’ i.e. starting on drainage fixes, urgent repairs to water treatment systems, and repairs to buildings. We urgently need to replace the wastewater treatment plant, as the current one cannot cope with the level of usage.
  1. During the lockdown period, all staff have been fully employed and have worked diligently to ensure we have continuity in the administration and maintenance of the course. This is of the utmost importance and will enable the club to open for playing as soon as lockdown is lifted.
  1. We must emphasize that the only saving accrued during this time has been on energy consumption and utilities.
  1. We have generated no income from the day to day operations of the club facilities during the lockdown period. We do wish to acknowledge that the club, like all clubs, has received some Covid-19 grant support and we are applying for other grants for which the club may be eligible.
  1. Annual membership subscriptions have not been increased for some time.

First and foremost, we sincerely thank the great volume of loyal members who have already committed to their membership for 2021. We understand that some of you might have been waiting to see what was happening regarding your renewal during the current ‘lockdown’ period and we would urge you to renew your membership as soon as possible through one of the available methods.

You may have thought of the following questions in the aftermath of lockdown:


  • Will I get a ‘deal’?
  • Will there be an extra period of time given to account for the closure?
  • Will I get money back?


You will have noticed that since Christmas the weather has been so bad that even if it had been possible to reopen the course it probably would have been unplayable. We felt it very important to tell you all that yes, we gave consideration to see if any incentive can be given to members renewing, however we have to consider the main priority and that is to do all we can to ensure your club is maintained and progresses through this period.  In answer to the above questions:


  • We cannot feasibly introduce a deal, give financial compensation or extend the time period as to do any of the above would create severe financial issues for the club in a few months.


  • We are sure that as a member you will understand this and once we get the chance to re-open we are sure that demand for golf will be at an even higher level than that experienced last summer after a similar lockdown


For those of you who have not yet renewed, we ask you to please consider the above points and please remember that this is your club. Should you wish to discuss your particular situation, you are welcome to approach the Pro Shop staff in strict confidence, and they will do anything possible to help.

At a meeting of the JMC on Tuesday of this week, it was agreed unanimously to extend the deadline for renewal of membership from the end of February until 17th March. It was also agreed to reward all members who have renewed by 17th March by entering them into a draw for prizes as listed below:

Entry into a Members’ Raffle:

1st:  Free Membership for 2022
2nd:  Motocaddy: Electric Golf Trolley
3rd:  1 Year’s Golf Lessons (12 lessons)
4th:  Waterproof Golf Bag
5th:  Head to Toe in Ping Golf Apparel
6th:  Waterproof Golf Suit
7th: Pair of Adidas Shoes + Polo Shirt
8th;   Pair of Skechers Shoes + Polo Shirt
9th:   Dozen Taylor Made Golf Balls + Cap
10th:  Polo Shirt + Cap

It was also agreed that all full members, including U40’s, who renew by 17 March will receive a voucher for a 4 ball which can be used to bring guests to the club and showcase our facilities. Other categories of members who renew before 17 March will receive a 2 ball voucher.

We want to confirm that all credit balances of members in the pro shop and restaurant carry forward automatically into 2021 and the previous requirement to use the 2020 Restaurant credit by end of year will not apply in current circumstances.

This letter has the unanimous backing of the members of your Joint Management Committee and the club trustees.

Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,

Joint Management Committee   

P.J. Gannon (President)
Tommy Tallon (Captain),   Eileen O’Toole (Lady Captain),
Ian Dack  (Honorary Secretary),   Dominic Holmes (Hon. Treasurer)
Pat Mahon (Vice-Captain), Ken O’Brien, Pat Barrett, Deborah Kelly,
Anne Connellan (Trustee),  Peter O’Toole (Trustee), Brendan Tyrrell (Trustee)


BY Kilcock Golf Club February 18, 2021

After another week of progress, however slowly, towards a return to golf on our great course, we hope that our weekly ‘hello’ finds all members, staff, and families safe and well.

We want to say a most sincere thanks to members and staff for the compliance and care shown since the pandemic began to impact our club, almost a year ago. The high degree of adhering to rules and being considerate towards each other has largely kept us safe in the club. It’s likely, on re-opening, that some restrictions will be required but our club has shown how we can keep safe and will do so again.

All three committees of the club are continuing with their regular meetings (by Zoom), planning for re-opening and the new golf year. Thanks for all membership renewals – very encouraging and positive.

Stay safe

Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club February 18, 2021

Meeting of the Joint Management Committee (JMC) on Tuesday 16 February 2021


The February meeting of the Joint Management Committee (JMC) was held on Tuesday 16 Feb 2021 by remote technology.

The challenge for members and for the club in relation to the renewal of club membership was a major item on the meeting’s agenda. Following the extensive discussion, a special letter will be emailed to all members on Friday next, 19 Feb. Please watch out for it.

Garrett Donnery, director of Synergy Golf, joined the start of the meeting and provided a report and advice on a number of matters.

Five sub-committees presented either interim or final reports. Arising from one of the reports the JMC authorised the seeking of sponsorship for the tee boxes and decided that all such income would be allocated to sanding the course. A revised leave of absence policy was agreed and will be published shortly on the club website. The interim report from the club constitution sub-committee was adopted together with its recommendation that the club’s constitution be modelled closely on the template prepared by Golf Ireland. The meeting welcomed the offer after the January meeting by three members of the club to join (short-term) sub-committees set up at that meeting.

The meeting welcomed the launch of the club’s new website and the JMC hopes to make good use of this site to update members on all aspects of the club and also to showcase the club to the outside world.

The meeting authorised the signing of a two year lease for the former pro shop with the current tenant whose year one lease is now expiring.

The club will make an application in the next two weeks for a grant under the Sports Capital Grant scheme 2021. The club is awaiting a decision, due in the next two weeks, on its application for a grant under the Resilience Grant scheme.

The JMC invited members of the club to consider joining the JMC for this year to fill the three vacancies on the committee. To offer, please contact the pro shop, [email protected] . The ideal response would be two lady members and one male member.

The meeting passed a vote of sympathy with men’s club Hon Secretary, John Kennedy, on the death of his mother. RIP.

The March meeting of the JMC will be held on Tuesday 16 March 2021


BY Kilcock Golf Club February 11, 2021

In the second week of official Spring, we hope our “Captains’ Check-In” finds all members, staff, and their families safe and well.

In the midst of this pandemic, many now notice things often not noticed before. We see generosity, kindness, dedication, loyalty, sharing. To see in action such qualities can give a great uplift and encouragement. Even better, if we can, on occasions, be the ones showing these qualities in our actions. As golfers we can – and do – look forward to the resumption of golf. What a joy that will be.

The club’s Honorary Treasurer reports that there has been an encouraging daily pattern of membership renewals right since 29 December, the day the renewal invoices were sent out. Indeed, 13 members renewed on one of the recent days. The Treasurer encourages all members to complete their membership renewal by the end of the month.

A game of golf followed by a lovely meal in our refurbished restaurant will banish most Covid-19 memories!!!

Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club February 4, 2021

Wherever each of us can receive or give, hope, encouragement, friendship, in these pandemic times we should gladly accept and gladly give.

We are checking in to say hello to all members and staff and their families and to hope that all is well. Restrictions are difficult but they have a purpose – to bring this virus under control and bring back as much safety as is possible to everyday life. Let’s all keep up our resolve to really protect ourselves, our families, and all with whom we may come in contact.

The fairways and greens of our lovely members’ owned club will be so sweet when we return to them.

Warmest Regards

Tommy & Eileen