Eileen O’Toole, (Captain) and the Ladies Committee wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following who generously sponsored Medals, Opens, Hampers and other events in 2020/2021.
Bohan David
Buckley Elaine
Coleman Bernie
Connellan Anne
Cousins Jackie
Cronin Alice
Cullen Marie
Dunnion Geraldine
Eyres O ‘Brien Ger
Fitzmaurice Mary
Grogan Pauline
Holmes Patricia
Houlihan Marie
Keane Nuala
Kelly Debbie
Kenny June Rose
Lyons Gaye
Miller Frances
Moody Carmel
Morris Anne
Mc Garry Amanda
Mulvihill Margaret
O’ Connor Hannah
O’Connor Siobhan
O’Reilly Eileen
O’Toole Peter
Ryan Geraldine
Whelan Lucy
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