Member News


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Many of our weekly messages to members have been about each member of the club protecting herself/himself during these very difficult Covid-19 times. We again encourage best practice and compliance with regulations when present at the club and, indeed, at all times.

This week, however, we would like to expand the protect and care encouragement message to include our course. A golf course always needs good care from its members. We want to highlight how members carrying and using their own individual sandbag (club will supply the sand) can greatly help fairways recover from divot damage.

If you want a free sandbag, just ask in the pro shop. There are approximately 100 bags available to members free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Also, we would ask every member to try and repair one more pitch mark as well as their own on each green. With the increase in numbers on the course each week, this will help to keep the putting surfaces in the best possible condition for all of our members.