Member News


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The procedure for dealing with complaints about the behaviour or conduct of a member of the club is set out in Clause 19 of the Club Constitution – This has been extracted from the constitution and is now available on the Club Website in the Members Area under General Information – see also copy attached.

First and foremost we would hope that any disagreement between members could be worked out between the parties in an informal way.  If this is not possible – a written complaint (using the form in appendix 1) must be sent to an Officer of the Club no later than 10 days after the incident which is the subject of the complaint.  All written complaints will be dealt with in accordance with Clause 19 of the constitution, by a sub-committee appointed by the JMC.

We would like to draw your attention to the appendices to this document which set out the dress code, bye-laws, etiquette, and behaviour expected from all members.If you would like a hard copy of this policy it is available to print from the Members Area of the Club Website under General Information(Link below) or ask in the pro-shop for a copy.Joint Management Committee
January 2022