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On Sunday next 26th of September our Barton Cup team to travel to Malahide for the first round of the final.  We wish them the best of luck and will all be shouting for them (but not on the course). We need as many members as possible to go to Malahide and give the lads your support, and if you are going why not wear a club jumper.

We are very proud of their achievements to date and look forward to the return match in Kilcock on Sunday the 10th of October.

Thanks to the greenkeeping staff for the quick turnaround of the course after the scarifying on Monday. It was great to see members out playing again on Tuesday, in particular, the ladies who had a 4 club competition that day.

This Friday evening (24th Sept) the sale of green fees draw takes place at 6 pm and you’re very welcome to come along. Following the draw, there will be a medals and prizes presentation for ladies.

Captains Tommy & Eileen