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BY Kilcock Golf Club April 14, 2022

New Safety Measures for the Practice Area Until Further Notice

  1. Use of the practice area is restricted to areas bounded by new post and rail fences.
  2. Ensure no balls go past the new post and rail fence.
  3. Full co-operation from all members is requested to provide safety to our neighbours and general public.

By Order of the JMC Committee
14th April 2022


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 7, 2022

General Play is when an organised competition is not being contested and golfers are playing:

  • A casual round of golf; or
  • Competitively but not in an event organised by the Competition Committee.

For your handicap to be a fair reflection of your playing ability you should return as many acceptable scores in competition as possible. It is not always easy to play in as many competitions as you may like so you are able to submit scores from General Play. This may be due to:

  • Work or family commitments
  • Difficulty obtaining an acceptable starting time on competition days.
  • A declining desire to play competitive golf.

How to pre-register a General Play score


The Golf Ireland App provides for pre-registration and return of general play scores. The App can be used at players’ Home or Away Clubs.


To pre-register your intent to play a General Play score you should note the following:


  • A course must be in Acceptable Score condition and playing to its full length. Check with the proshop prior to starting your round.
  • If you do not use the Golf Ireland App and the computer terminal is not available, you must record your intention to submit a General Play Score on a general play registration form in Kilcock Golf Club or the Away club.
  • If you have registered your intention to return a general play score on-line but not submitted your score, you must return a properly completed scorecard to Kilcock Golf Club with the name and membership number (CDH) of the marker.
  • If you have registered your intention to return a general play score off-line you must return the properly completed scorecard to the Handicap Secretary, Kilcock Golf Club with name and membership number (CDH) of marker, together with evidence of off-line pre-registration if round played at an Away Club.

Alternatively, you can email the Handicap Secretary, Kilcock Golf Club registering your intent to submit a General Play score at [email protected]. You must return the properly completed scorecard to this email address or drop the actual card into the Pro Shop for the Handicap Secretary’s attention.

  • The Handicap Committee may consider a player to have pre-registered their intent to submit an acceptable score for handicap purposes when playing in an authorised format of play in a regular, organised event with other players.


If a player fails to return a General Play Score on the Golf Ireland App then Golf Ireland will automatically apply a penalty score to the player’s record. Players and attestors will get a series of emails before the automated penalty score (APS) is applied.


If a player persistently fails to return General Play scores the Handicap Committee may apply disciplinary action such as suspension of the handicap index for a period of time.


If you have any queries relating to the Golf Ireland App or the World Handicap System you can contact the Handicap Secretary at [email protected]


Men’s Handicap and Competition Committees – March 2022


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 7, 2022

Golfer of the Year

For 2022, and the first full season we’ve had to look forward to in a while we are introducing a new Golfer of the Year structure for both the nett and gross categories.

Rather than being based on your best scores for the year we will now look at your best finishing position in selected competitions throughout the season.

We are increasing the number of GOY competitions to 15, with the best 10 of the 15 counting

The following competitions to count for GOY:

  • Singles Matchplay Qualifier
  • 6 Medals
  • Captains Prize Final
  • Presidents Prize Final
  • Vice Captains Prize
  • Professional Prize
  • Lady Captains Prize
  • 3 stableford competitions over the months of June, July and August.

Each of the GOY events will run over a weekend similar to medal competitions with the exception of the Captains and Presidents finals, these will be for the top 60 qualifiers.

Points will be awarded for your finishing position with different levels of competitions having different weightings as follows:

  • Captain and President Prize finals:

o 1st – 250 points

o 60th place – 62 points

  • Medals:

o 1st – 220 points

o 100th – 21 points

  • Vice-Captain, Lady Captain, and Professional Prizes:

o 1st – 200 points

o 100th – 20 points

  • Other stableford comps (X3):

o 1st – 180 points

o 100th – 9 points

We hope that this new format will generate an extra layer of competitiveness and excitement throughout the season and finds a worthy winner at the end. The first event is fast approaching on the weekend of April 9th-10th so hope to see as many of you as possible on the timesheet.


Super Score Card

We are running this very popular competition again in 2022

  • All players are automatically included
  • There is no entry fee
  • Confined to 18-hole singles acceptable score (qualifying) competitions.
  • The competition runs from 1st April to the last acceptable score competition in October
  • You end up with one Super Score Card showing all your best scores from each of the 18 holes for the rounds you played.
  • Prizes as follows

o Gross off the White Tees

o 4 Category Net prizes off the White Tees

o 1 Net off the Green Tees (Seniors)

  • You will be able to see the updated scores on Master Scoreboard after each competition.

    Holes not Played

A requirement under the new WHS system requires players to record when holes are not played during a competition. This can happen if a player comes in off the course due to injury or for any other reason.

When entering your scores on computer you must enter “Hole Not Played” on the touch screen for each hole that wasn’t played.

“0NR” is only entered if you play a hole and don’t score on it
Club Matchplays

The entry sheets for the Fourball, Foursomes, Scotch Foursomes and Gross club matchplay competitions are posted on the notice board in the men’s locker room. There is no qualifying for these competitions. If you are interested in playing, please put your name on the sheet for the relevant competitions. Closing date 18th April

Alternately you can also enter by sending the particulars to the competition secretary which must include both names and a contact number for one person. Don’t forget to include which competition you are entering. Send this by email to [email protected] or by text/WhatsApp on 087-9073495


Kind Regards,

Kilcock GC Competition Committee


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 7, 2022

Sponsorship of tee boxes is now available on very attractive terms. Click the links below for terms for existing sponsors or new sponsors. The pro shop welcomes enquiries.

Existing Sponsors

New Sponsors