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BY Kilcock Golf Club November 26, 2021

Covid-19 safety is a daily concern at the club and thanks to all members for their adherence to regulations. Where each of us can reduce exposure – of others to us and of us to others – it is highly desirable that we do so.

In response to suggestions from some members, an Open Mixed 15 Hole Competition is taking place this Friday, 26 November. The number of members & visitors booked so far is encouraging.

Unfortunately, the Captain’s dinner which was due to take place on the 27th November had to be postponed until the new year.

In early December a new date will be set for the joint Club AGM which has been deferred in the interests of safety as the high number of Covid-19 infections cause national concern.

It’s great that the weather is so good for the time of year and that so many members are playing golf and also that ground conditions allow buggies to be used.

Captains Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 26, 2021

The annual accounts have been posted to the Members Area on the club website. We are requesting members’ questions be sent to [email protected] and they will be answered at the club AGM. This will help the finance team provide as full a reply as possible to members. To access the Members Area of the website the password is;

  • KGCmember21

JMC Finance Team


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 18, 2021


The final meeting of the 2021 JMC took place on Tuesday night in the clubhouse. Garrett Donnery, director of Synergy Golf, attended and gave a wide-ranging report. He recommended that the club’s charges in 2022 for green fees and societies should be increased as a result of the increased popularity and quality of the course. This was agreed upon by the meeting.

Course convenor Kevin O’Connor gave his report on the work and plans of the course sub-committee. The meeting gave approval for work to begin immediately on upgrading two tee boxes as well as the raising of the ladies tee box on the 18th.

The meeting approved the club’s annual accounts to 30 September 21. These accounts will be presented at the AGM on Monday 06 Dec and will be available on the club’s website seven days in advance of the meeting.

In 2017 allowances off membership subscriptions for officers of the three clubs were reduced by 50% because of the club’s financial position. The meeting decided to restore the allowances to 75% of the pre-2017 amount with effect from 01 January 2022.

Outgoing Captains Tommy Tallon and Eileen O’Toole were thanked for all their work and commitment to the club.

The meeting urged members to attend the AGM and also to consider putting their names forward for the vacancies: (a) Honorary Secretary (b) the six vacancies on the JMC

We welcomed the HSA/HSE this week for an inspection of our COVID regulations. The officials examined all Covid-19 arrangements and records and stated they were fully satisfied that the club and the club’s caterer were in full compliance. The officials clarified that where a member has previously presented a vaccination certificate that has been noted by the caterer, there is no need for further productions in the club of the certificate.

The meeting gave permission for sponsorship of tee boxes to be sought for 2022. Further details on sponsorship rates and benefits will be made available shortly.

The first meeting of the 2022 JMC will be held on Tuesday 18 January.


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 18, 2021

As we move through the month of November, it is great to see so many people playing golf and taking full advantage of the fine weather. Long may it continue.

The first of our Captains’ dinners was held on Saturday last and the next one is Saturday 27th November. Last Saturday night’s dinner was a very successful event where the ladies of the club enjoyed great food and a very pleasant social occasion. Marieanne Quinn was presented with the ‘Golfer of the Year’ award.

The joint club AGM will be held on Monday 6th December at 8 p.m. We hope that as many as possible will join us in the clubhouse for this event. It is important that all our members are up to date with what is happening in our club and a very good way to achieve that is by attending the AGM.

Accounts and the Hon. Secretary’s report will shortly be up on the club website in advance of the AGM. Members are invited to submit questions in advance of the AGM so that, if necessary, research can be undertaken to prepare answers. Also, nomination papers will be available shortly for the vacant 2022 positions: (a) Honorary Secretary (b) six places on the Joint Management Committee.

Next week we will have details of a special December golf event.

Captains Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 18, 2021

Captain Eileen’s dinner for 2020/2021 was finally held on Saturday 13 November and it was a great success.

Marianne Quinn was presented with the Golfer of the Year prize and in her acceptance speech, Marianne paid tribute to the many female members of the club who have inspired and guided her as she developed her golfing skills.

Numbers were restricted for the function due to Covid-19 but the club’s caterers, Rye River Café, had absolutely no restrictions on their meal quality or service. A delicious meal was served complete with old-world courtesy and service.

The guests of honour at the function were David Bohan (Captain 2020) Captain (2021) Tommy and his wife Joan. Our club President P.J. Gannon and his wife Carmel were also in attendance.


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 11, 2021

Meeting visiting golfers from other clubs was one of the duties and features of our year as Captains. Probably the strongest and most consistent reaction that we experienced from visitors to the club was their admiration and appreciation of how friendly they found members of Kilcock Golf Club.

Yes, how well the course is kept and how it plays is a key requirement of visitors (and of members) but the friendliness and helpfulness of members is important to all visitors and is a top consideration for many of them.

As another year approaches there will no doubt be plans for ongoing improvements in certain aspects of the club but in that vital area of the friendliness and warmth of members no improvement is necessary, just retention.

Captain’s dinner for the Ladies section is on this Saturday 13th November. Because of the current high numbers of covid cases, the numbers attending the dinner are restricted, but hopefully, we will all have an enjoyable & safe night. The only presentation being done on the night is to Marianne Quinn who won Golfer of the Year and we wish to congratulate her on same.

Captains Tommy & Eileen.


BY Kilcock Golf Club November 5, 2021

The Men’s AGM took place on the 1st November 2021 in the clubhouse. A disappointing 25 attended which was just enough for a quorum. Incoming Captain Pat Mahon announced Ken O’Brian as his Vice Captain for 2022. Eileen and I would like to wish Pat and Ken the very best of luck for 2022. The men’s committee is looking for applicants for the position of Hon Secretary and one committee member, if anyone is interested please contact Pat Mahon.

As good citizens of the world, we all wish success to COP 26, the major climate conference being held in the UK all this week, where most countries of the world are seeking to rescue the planet from upcoming disastrous consequences.

In our golf club, the rebuilding and strengthening of the club has been underway for the last few short years. Members of the club, committees and staff are engaged in a united approach to improve facilities and finances. Good success is being achieved daily, weekly, and monthly.

Before the year comes to a close, some members, hopefully, a good number, may feel an urge to consider adding a helping hand in 2022. There are many opportunities for members to assist the club and there are many needs yet to be met. Thanks to all who currently help out the club.

Captains Tommy & Eileen.