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BY Kilcock Golf Club October 22, 2021

Dear fellow members, we are very nearly coming to the end of the current golf season with the days beginning to get shorter. It has been a great season despite the Covid-19 pandemic. On a note of comfort, spring & summer will be here again in a blink of an eye.

This time of year is a time to reflect and also to forward plan. With that in mind, we are bringing to your attention the upcoming Annual General Meetings. On the 1st of November, the men have their AGM, followed by the Ladies on Monday the 8th of November. The full club AGM will be held on Monday 6th December. We hope that everyone makes a special effort to attend the relevant AGMs and show your support for the work the different committees do for us all. Attending a meeting does not mean you will be dragged or coaxed onto a committee. Attendance gives you an in-depth knowledge of the workings of that committee and perhaps, having this experience, you might like to join and bring with you the knowledge and experience that you have from your life and work.

The next 3/5 years are going to be exciting as the club is anxious to develop and expand its facilities for the benefit of our members. Kilcock Golf Club is beginning to be noticed far and wide (following our Barton Cup success) and now is the time to join a committee and share your expertise with your club.

Nothing is more rewarding, perhaps, after personal achievement on the golf course, than to see your ambitions and projects for the club come to fruition and to know and feel you played your part in their realisation.

Captains Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club October 22, 2021


Garrett Donnery, Synergy Golf Director, was unable to attend but sent a written report some days in advance of the meeting. One item in the report mentioned the praise for the course their marketing division is receiving in feedback from societies that booked Kilcock through the marketing company. Garrett advised that, based on such positive feedback, the club should increase its society and green fee rates for 2022 and thus increase club income. This was agreed.

Honorary Treasurer, Dominic Holmes told the meeting that the club’s financial year which ended on 30th September was a good one in which income targets were exceeded in many areas and in other areas matched or almost matched. A full set of accounts will be available 7 days prior to the AGM and at the AGM.

The meeting decided to extend the number of officers in the three clubs to whom branded clothing (e.g. jumper and polo shirt) will be provided in 2022 to honour their voluntary contribution to the club.

Seven (7) buggies from another company will be delivered to the club for use from 1st November 2021, when the contract with the current supplier (The Buggyman) finishes.

Arising from a complaint by a member against another member some weeks ago, the meeting accepted the report and recommendations following an investigation conducted on behalf of the JMC. Letters will be issued this week to the two members.

  • The AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Monday 6th December at 8.00pm.
  • It will be preceded at 7.00pm by a memorial prayer service for deceased club members.
  • The office of Hon Secretary and five positions on the JMC will be vacant and are to be filled at the AGM.
  • In early November, nomination forms will be sent out along with notice of the meeting.

Kevin O’Connor, Course Convenor, gave a report on the work of himself and his committee. In it he detailed a number of matters concerning the course that are being considered. One of these is analysing whether we close some of the bunkers on the course. This matter regarding the bunkers is pending further to research and clarification on the impact this may have in terms of course rating and aesthetics. Members can be expected to be consulted on this matter in due course before any decision or action will be taken.

In a review of safety, the meeting decided to engage a security company to do keyholder for out of hours rather than have a club member do this work.

An ad hoc group of members was set up to investigate drainage arrangements from the car park and machinery shed in light of flooding issues after recent heavy rains.

At its next and final meeting of the year on 16th November, the JMC will consider a proposal for a ‘cabinet’ style system for 2022 in which each member of the JMC will have responsibility for a particular aspect of the club.


BY Kilcock Golf Club October 15, 2021

Truth be told, yes, there was some disappointment on Sunday evening last when our Barton Cup team did not manage to provide the perfect ending to what has been a fairy-tale-like story of success. However, any disappointment is of the passing and transient type because we all realise that, by their talents and exploits, the team has ‘broken through’ into the narrow ranks of clubs realistically very likely to win this cup. Roll on 2022.

As the venue for the final leg of this prestigious competition, Kilcock Golf Club was showcased last weekend: our course, set off by wonderful afternoon sun, was in immaculate condition, the attractiveness of the course as a golf course was clear to all, and the friendliness of our members shone out to the many Malahide visitors.

Two wonderful sights stood out for us, among many. One was the crowds walking down the elevated 15th fairway in glorious sunshine on their way to the green over the water. The second wonderful sight was the mounds of sand in the car park ready for spreading on the fairways on the following Tuesday.

As Captains, we are holding our heads high all week, so proud of our Barton Cup team, of our club and of our members.

Captains Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club October 8, 2021

Sunday next, 10th October, is a historic day for the club. It is the first time that our club has reached the final of the Barton Cup. All of us in the club are very proud of our team and its managers and their achievements to date and we wish them the very best on Sunday afternoon.

Please come along, support our lads and wear the club jumper. It is important that we show support for our lads and our club as we are up against a long-established and strong golf club, Malahide.

Captains Tommy & Eileen