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BY Kilcock Golf Club September 24, 2021

Held on Tuesday 21st September 2021 (in the clubhouse)

Bernie Coleman, the recently elected Vice-Captain, was welcomed to the meeting and congratulated on her appointment.

The monthly report from Synergy Golf director Garret Donnery was discussed.

The Hon Treasurer reported that the club’s financial position is on target and that the club will return a surplus this year. The financial year ends on 30 September and the externally prepared financial statement for the year will be available at the AGM which will take place on Monday 6th December. Budgets for 2022 are currently being drafted for approval in October by the JMC.

Safety was discussed, including safety in the use of the practice area. Additional safety measures were agreed in relation to the use of the practice area.

The two Captains reported that income to date from the club’s 2021 fundraiser, the sale of green fees, amounts to €21,200. The associated draw will take place on Friday 24th September at 6pm.

Among the five sub-committees which reported back to the meeting, the IT sub-committee reported that arrangements are being made to store all the club’s documents in SharePoint which is part of Microsoft Office 365.

The requirements following the recent visit of a HSE environmental officer were discussed and agreed to be undertaken.

Further consideration will be given to producing a newsletter for members which reviews 2021 and provides as much information as possible on planned 2022 events.

The monthly report of the course sub-committee was considered and its members were thanked for their ongoing work and dedication.

The meeting agreed in principle to consider further giving each JMC member in 2022 a specific area of responsibility for which they would report to each JMC meeting.

The Barton Cup team were wished every success in the upcoming final against Malahide.

The next meeting of the JMC will be held on 19th October 2021.


BY Kilcock Golf Club September 24, 2021

On Sunday next 26th of September our Barton Cup team to travel to Malahide for the first round of the final.  We wish them the best of luck and will all be shouting for them (but not on the course). We need as many members as possible to go to Malahide and give the lads your support, and if you are going why not wear a club jumper.

We are very proud of their achievements to date and look forward to the return match in Kilcock on Sunday the 10th of October.

Thanks to the greenkeeping staff for the quick turnaround of the course after the scarifying on Monday. It was great to see members out playing again on Tuesday, in particular, the ladies who had a 4 club competition that day.

This Friday evening (24th Sept) the sale of green fees draw takes place at 6 pm and you’re very welcome to come along. Following the draw, there will be a medals and prizes presentation for ladies.

Captains Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club September 17, 2021

Eileen O’Toole, (Captain) and the Ladies Committee wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following who generously sponsored Medals, Opens, Hampers and other events in 2020/2021.

Bohan David

Buckley Elaine

Coleman Bernie

Connellan Anne

Cousins Jackie

Cronin Alice

Cullen Marie

Dunnion Geraldine

Eyres O ‘Brien Ger

Fitzmaurice Mary

Grogan Pauline

Holmes Patricia

Houlihan Marie

Keane Nuala

Kelly Debbie

Kenny June Rose

Lyons Gaye

Miller Frances

Moody Carmel

Morris Anne

Mc Garry Amanda

Mulvihill Margaret

O’ Connor Hannah

O’Connor Siobhan

O’Reilly Eileen

O’Toole Peter

Ryan Geraldine

Whelan Lucy


Ladies Sponsors 2020-21


BY Kilcock Golf Club September 9, 2021

Well done to the Barton Cup players and managers on their great win against New Forest in the quarter-final on Sunday evening last. The members of the team are: Jason McGivern, Rodger Quinn, Ciaran Mahon, Ian Cavanaugh, Thomas O’Brien, Mark Cavanaugh, Pat O’ Connor, David Mahon, Martin Filbert, Darren Gunning, Subs are Ross Tallon and Ross Delaney. The team is managed by Jason Corscadden and Conor Mahon.

Kilcock now meets Wicklow in the Barton Cup semi-final on Sunday next the 12th of September. Why not come down and give the team your support.

Thanks to all members who have sold green fees in our club fundraiser which ends with the grand draw at 6pm on Friday 24 Sept (just 2 weeks away). On Friday last, 3rd September, the performance was: Members who sold green fees = 208: Green Fees sold = 655: Members yet to report = 430. Income received €13,100. We ask members who have yet to report to make a special effort this week to sell the two green fees and bring money and stubs back to the pro shop. All money received in the fundraiser will be used to sand the fairways and bunkers and other improvements to our members-owned club.


We invite five male and five female members to offer their services (through the Pro shop) to draw tickets on Friday 24 Sept at 6pm in the club’s fundraiser. There are 65 prizes to be drawn so each of the (hopefully) ten club members will make six draws throughout the evening.

Thanks for all your support

Captains: Tommy & Eileen


BY Kilcock Golf Club September 2, 2021

Captain Tommy Tallon held his presentation of prizes for Captain’s final in the club on Sunday the 29th of August.

There were a number of prizes to be presented with the main one to the winner Anthony Doran who had a net total of 130, with scores of 65 on each of the two days.

The Captain’s Prize to the ladies was won by Siobhan O Connor who had a net score of 69 followed closely by Linda Downes who had a 70.

The Vice Captain’s Prize to the men was awarded to Paul Aylward and Pat Mahon was on hand to present this prize to Paul.

We have a mixed 3 person scramble coming up on Thursday 9th September from 3.30 pm. These events are always popular so don’t forget to enter your team once the timesheet opens tonight.

A big shout of thanks to our gardening volunteers, Ann Cribben, Betty Woulfe, Ger Eyres O’Brien, and Geraldine Ryan. They weeded both of the flower beds at the entrance to the course and also did a sweep up of the car park. Ladies, many thanks for this, it is much appreciated. (See pictures of their hard work below in the ladies section)

SALE OF TWO GREEN FEES TICKETS. We hope to be in the club on Saturday & Sunday to follow up with members regarding the tickets. If you have already sold your two tickets, please drop them back to the club as soon as possible.
Captain’s Tommy & Eileen