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BY Kilcock Golf Club April 27, 2021


The day we’ve all been waiting for finally arrived yesterday as we got to welcome back many of our members to the club. And what a perfect day for golf it was!

The Kilcock Golf Club Captains’ Drive into office for 2021 took place in the most auspicious of circumstances: in brilliant sunshine, the long-endured golf lockdown over, and with a beautifully manicured golf course as a backdrop.

Club President P.J. Gannon welcomed the Captains. He thanked the Captains for their generosity in providing the club with their leadership in 2021 and promised them the club’s full support.

Captain Tommy Tallon thanked the club officials and staff who had so expertly put in place the preparations for the drive-in. He acknowledged the work of last year’s Captain David Bohan who was deprived of an opportunity for the customary drive-in because of Covid-19 early regulations. Tommy expressed the wish that the balance of this 2021 year would be one of ‘non-stop’ golf.

Captain Eileen O’Toole referred to and thanked all those in the club who had contributed in the past two decades or so to the success that Kilcock Golf club is today. She made special mention of the club’s course volunteers who have contributed so much. In remembering departed past members of the club, Eileen mentioned her own farming parents Pat and Annie Gannon (Summerhill, Meath) and how, with their knowledge of sport confined to GAA, they “would have a right chuckle at me standing here as Captain of the Golf Club”.

Junior Captain Eoghan Flood spoke most eloquently, in golf terms, with his long straight drive down the middle of the first fairway.

The beautiful flower arrangement that adorned the presentation table was the work of Mary Fitzmaurice.

Following the drive-in by the Captains, a presentation was made by the Club President to the Captains, Eileen, Tommy and Eoghan, and to the 2020 Captain David.

Yours in Golf!

All at Kilcock!



BY Kilcock Golf Club April 22, 2021

The long wait is over. May we say again, “Thank you”, “Thank You”, “Thank You” to you, the members, for the great support you have shown the club and for your forbearance during those long weeks since the current restrictions were imposed.

We very much hope that you will enjoy your golf and that you will feel safe and well protected by the arrangements which the Pro shop staff have in place to look after us all.

Two “Welcome” signs on display on the clubhouse and near the car park are but a visible printed expression of the genuine welcome that awaits each and every member, not alone on Monday 26th April, but on every day of the year. These signs also reflect the warmth and wonderful friendship that exists among members of Kilcock Golf Club.

Thanks to our course staff and Pro shop staff who each have done marvelous work that now allows us to come back to a beautifully manicured course and with very high membership renewal rates.

A number of members have, for health reasons, paused or terminated their membership. To those former colleagues, we send, on behalf of the entire club, the very best wishes for their continued good health and wellbeing. They will be missed from the club, but not forgotten.



BY Kilcock Golf Club April 15, 2021

Another week and some beautiful weather allowed the greenkeeping team to continue to get the course ready for our members’ return on April 26th. Some of the recent work carried out included:

  • Greens cut and rolled
  • Fairways cut
  • Sprinklers edged
  • Sprayed Greens
  • Rough cut
  • Base of trees sprayed with round-up

Hopefully, the weather continues to be dry and temperatures pick back up shortly, which will allow the team to have the course in the best possible condition for golfers’ return.


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 15, 2021

We have recently purchased a welcome sign which the Golf Team is in the process of erecting. We think you will agree that it is a valuable addition and sends out a great welcome to all who play our course.  This sign will not have to be changed yearly as the message on it will always be the same, and there is no reference to captains’ names or dates.

Our Pro Shop Staff are taking deliveries every day, and the shop will be stocked with all your golfing needs for the coming season and the Green Keeping staff are continuing their hard work in preparing the course for the reopening on April 26th, so that our return will be both pleasant and safe for all.


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 8, 2021

We hope that all is good with you and your family and all members of the club. Our long wait is coming to an end, and, like you, we are looking forward to 18 days from now when golf resumes on Monday 26 April.

On behalf of the club, we say a very sincere thanks to the pleasantly very high number of members who have renewed their membership. Since the government announcement of golf returning on 26 April, there has been a daily increasing stream of further renewals- all very welcome.

Our Fixture Diary 2021 will be amended and re-circulated as soon as Golf Ireland provides sufficient guidance to allow this to happen.

Despite the cold weather of these recent days, the future looks bright for golf at Kilcock. Thank you again, all members, for your great support for the club.



BY Kilcock Golf Club April 1, 2021

Another week and some good weather allowed the greenkeeping team to continue to get the course ready for our members return at the end of April. Some of the recent work carried out included;

  • Green aprons and surrounds cut
  • Fairways got a cross-cutting for a diamond effect
  • Bunkers were flymowed and strimmed
  • Greens cut and rolled
  • Rough cut
  • Greens sprayed
  • Tee Boxes were cut
  • Bunkers Raked


Hopefully, the weather continues to be good, which will allow the team to have the course in the best possible condition for your return.


BY Kilcock Golf Club April 1, 2021

Dear All,

We are on the final stretch of this unexpectedly long shutdown and are so looking forward to getting back to golf on the 26th of April. While naturally disappointed that golf’s opening is not earlier, at least now we have a date and can start marking the days off, similar to the countdown to any big event.

We both are looking forward to seeing the familiar smiling faces around the club and getting our golf year as Captains finally off the ground.

A new outdoor welcome sign from the Captains is due to be delivered this week, and this will be on display when you return.

We repeat our request that we all adhere conscientiously to the HSE guidelines, and before we know it,  the club will be re-opened, and we will be enjoying the course in hopeful weather to match the splendid weather of this time last year.

Tommy & Eileen