Hello and warm greetings to all members. We are just checking in to say “hello” and hope that you and your families are keeping safe and well. Adhering to safety advice is vital and the best protection for all of us. As we exit January, we look forward to the official start of spring on Monday next, 1st Feb.
We along with the Hon. Treasurer wishes to thank the 245 Members to date who have renewed their 2021 membership. Your response has been fantastic and this shows how strong we are as a club.
Tommy & Eileen
We want to check in with you dear fellow Club Member and say “hello” as a month of severe restrictions begins throughout the country in response to the continuing rapid spread of Covid-19. January will be a tough time for many families and individuals. As citizens, we each can contribute a ‘helping hand’ in this challenging period by personally complying fully with HSE regulations/guidance and by checking in as often as possible with relatives, neighbours and fellow club members.
The JMC together with Men’s and Ladies committees are continuing to have zoom meetings during this latest lockdown. We have drawn up a priority list of things we would like to get done this year, so please keep an eye out.
In the meantime best wishes for 2021 to you and your family. Stay safe.
Captains Tommy Tallon & Eileen O’ Toole
The Joint Management Committee (JMC) of the club held a special meeting on Monday 4th January 2021 to consider and decide upon its top priorities for the coming 2021 season.
The JMC agreed on the following as their priorities which can be added to during the year:
– The safety of staff, members, and visitors especially during Covid-19 crisis
– The club’s financial wellbeing
– Ongoing improvements to the course and its maintenance
– Identifying and responding to the aspirations and preferences of members
– Ongoing improvement to facilities for the benefit of members
– The further development of golf within the club
The implementation of these priorities will be undertaken in close co-operation and with the assistance and guidance of Synergy Golf, the club’s advisors and agents. Regular reports will be presented to members throughout the year, and a summary at year-end, of actions and initiatives taken to progress the priorities.
The meeting repeated its December invitation to all members and to the Men’s and Ladies’ Club to submit suggestions for improving the club.
The JMC wished a happy and safe New Year to all members and staff and their families.
The next ordinary meeting of the JMC will be held on Tuesday 19 Jan 2021
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