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BY Kilcock Golf Club December 31, 2020

We are honoured to represent Kilcock Golf Club as Captains and assure each and every one that we will do our best to meet your golfing expectations. As members of the JMC we will be deeply involved in the JMC’s plans to offer a quality golfing and social experience to all our members.

Here at Kilcock Golf Club we have a fantastic setup with Synergy unmatched expertise and resources available to the club continuing to manage the course and the complex including bar and restaurant. Our golf course has had a lot of work done to it in the last year by the greenkeepers and our volunteers who turn up weekly to lend a hand. We are unique as a club for the dedicated volunteers who turn up every Tuesday and Thursday and work more than 2 days in total per week for the club. Their commitment to provide a first-class facility to our members is something we all treasure.

Our pro shop staffed by our Professional golfer Greg Massey and Assistant Manager Johnny Dunnican is worthy of a mention for the brilliant service and help they provide to all our members.

The final icing on the cake happened on Saturday 5th December 2020 when we had the official opening of our new restaurant which will be operated for the club by Rye River Cafe. This highly successful and popular catering business based in Kilcock town and the attractively refurbished dining room have set the club up with a food service and dining ambience to be very proud of.

We hope that all our members will support the club and continue to enjoy our great facilities.

Going forward the club is committed to ongoing improvement for the benefit and enjoyment of our members and their guests. Please keep an eye out for exciting events and initiatives in 2021.

Finally, may we wish all our members and their families a very happy new year

Captains Tommy Tallon & Eileen O’ Toole


BY Kilcock Golf Club December 24, 2020

At its first meeting on 16 December, the 2021 Joint Management Committee (JMC) decided to invite all members of the club to consider what changes and improvements they would like to see in the club and to forward these either to [email protected] or The Honorary Secretary, Kilcock Golf Club , Gallow, Kilcock, Co Meath.  Written suggestions can also be left in the pro shop for the attention of the Honorary Secretary.
From Sunday 27 December the Saturday and Sunday competition will be a single 9 hole competition on each of the days. It is anticipated that this arrangement will remain in place until the early weeks of spring.

During the period of this arrangement, immediately prior to each weekend, the course staff will advise the Pro Shop if the course condition and expected weather will allow all 18 holes to be played. If all 18 holes can be played, the timesheet will then be further opened and two single 9 hole competitions will be played. Members will be advised by email of the expansion of the timesheet.

This single 9 hole competition arrangement, with the possibility of a second 9 hole course being also available, provides the best chance of having golf every weekend.

It is important to note that closure due to adverse ground / weather conditions may still be necessary in the interest of members’ safety and / or course protection.

Thank you for your understanding.

Joint Management Committee


BY Kilcock Golf Club December 24, 2020

As we approach the end of an immensely challenging year both on and off the course, it also brings an end to my year as the Men’s Captain. I would like to say how honoured I am to have captained this club, having been a member since childhood it certainly means a lot to hold the position.

I would like to thank the Men’s and Ladies committees for all their hard work and dedication – A special mention to Mick Cronin, Des Tallon, Cormac O’ Toole and Jamie Ryan on the men’s committee and Brendan Tyrrell, Eileen & Peter O Toole, Pat Barrett and Ian Dack on the JMC, also to Greg and Johnny in the pro-shop and Course maintenance staff and volunteers.

We keep in our thoughts the members we have lost and members who have lost loved ones and give their families the help and support they need.

Best wishes to Eileen O Toole and incoming Captain Tommy Tallon for the year ahead.

A final thank you to all the members for their help and support throughout the year.

Wishing you all strength and happiness over the Christmas & New Year in these challenging times.


Captain David Bohan


BY Kilcock Golf Club December 17, 2020


The JMC AGM was held on Monday 14th Dec by remote technology and chaired by outgoing President Brendan Tyrrell.


  1. i) There will be no change in the membership subscription amounts for 2021
  2. ii) The restaurant/bar pre-payment will be increased from €25 to €50

iii) The maximum number of full members permitted in the club was increased to 750 (from 600) and the maximum number of flexible members was increased to 250 (from 200).

  1. iv) 1st March is now the cut-off date for membership renewal. All membership renewals are due for payment on 1st February.
  2. v) A new student membership category was approved.


Despite the very tough conditions in 2020 arising from Covid-19 restrictions on members and visitors playing golf, the club made a profit (€88,877) in 2020, the first profit in five years


Garret Donnery, director of Synergy Golf, advisors to the club, briefly addressed the meeting and identified continued improvement of the course for the benefit of members as one of the key aims of his company for 2021.


President – PJ Gannon

Hon Treasurer – Dominic Holmes

Hon Secretary – Ian Dack

Men’s Captain – Tommy Tallon

Men’s Vice Captain – Pat Mahon

Lady Captain – Eileen O’Toole

Committee – Debbie Kelly

Committee – Ken O’Brien

Committee – Pat Barrett

Trustee – Brendan Tyrrell

Trustee – Peter O’Toole

Trustee – Anne Connellan


BY Kilcock Golf Club December 10, 2020

Saturday the 5th December saw the official opening of the Rye River Cafe at Kilcock Golf Club and the newly refurbished restaurant. The ceremonial ribbon cutting was performed by Captains David Bohan and Eileen O’ Toole with Shona, one of the co-owners keeping a watchful eye.

The Golf Club are delighted to have signed a contract with Shona and Alan (pictured above) from Rye River Cafe who also have a restaurant in the nearby town of Kilcock. The business is well known around the immediate area for providing first-class food and service to their customers. One has to only look at their website and Facebook page to see all of the wonderful food offers and the huge amount of followers they have.

Shona was very happy with the amount of business coming through the doors on the first day of opening. She said there were many familiar faces and some new ones also. Shona and Alan are looking forward to getting to meet all the members of Kilcock Golf club and they assure them that they will be equally well looked after.

The dining room at the club was completely refurbished in the last number of weeks under the careful eye of Debbie Flanagan. Debbie had previously re-designed the bar and pro shop last year. If your home or business needs a fresh look, Debbie is available on 085 665 8187.

Club President Brendan Tyrell was full of praise for the huge effort Debbie had put in and for the wow feeling you get once you step foot in the restaurant. Brendan also thanked Synergy and in particular Garrett Donnery for securing our new caterers and project managing the work on the restaurant. A big thank you also to our Professional Greg and Assistant Manager Johnny who took up a new career during lockdown. They both painted the hallway and relocated our club notice boards.

On matters of golf, the club is offering very competitive membership deals up to February 2022. Please refer to the web site or contact the pro shop on 01 628 7592. They also have a selection of gifts suitable for Christmas and offer a click and collect service.


BY Kilcock Golf Club December 3, 2020

We received the wonderful news last Friday evening that golf clubs could reopen from Tuesday this week. This news came as a huge relief for the golfing community as we get back playing the game we have missed greatly.

There was a huge turnout for the Seniors competition yesterday and the timesheets over the weekend have fantastic numbers participating. After the opening competitions we have experienced a few glitches with the new Handicap system which we are working to get sorted. As we are running two 9-hole competitions at the weekends, please be careful when you log-in to put your name down as to which 9-hole competition you are playing – Old Nine (1-4, 14-18) or the New Nine (6-13, 5).

Tomorrow we welcome back our new caterers ‘Rye River Cafe’ into the stunning surroundings of our newly decorated dining room…..it looks fabulous!! A big thank you to everybody who worked extremely hard to finish it in time and give the members a facility to be really proud of. Members must reserve a table in advance by logging onto the ryerivercafe.com website. We would encourage all our members to support our new caterers in the days and weeks ahead.

Captain’s David Bohan & Eileen O Toole