Site icon Kilcock Golf Club


The Joint Club AGM will now be held on Monday 31 January 2022, commencing at 8pm, using remote hosting technology. Members are naturally encouraged to attend this important event. To receive a link to the meeting please either (a) email your name (and email address) to the club OR complete the form available in the Pro shop and hand it in to the staff member on duty.

There are six (6) vacancies to be filled on the 2022 JMC at the AGM. To date, the number of nominations received for these places is well below the number of vacancies. No nomination, as of yet, has been received for the post of Honorary Secretary.

Welcome to new course staff member Owen Kelly who began work on Monday 06 Dec.

The course will close for Christmas on Friday 24 Dec at 2pm and will re-open on Monday 27 Dec. The course will remain open from this date onwards through New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

Captain’s Eileen & Tommy

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