Site icon Kilcock Golf Club


On behalf of all members, staff, and club management committees, we wish William Flynn all the best as he finishes up in the club on Friday, 3rd December, to pursue a new career outside of golf. Many thanks, William for all your work and dedication over the 16 years you have been with us.

The first day of laying new grass sods on the 7th and 11th tee boxes is penciled in for Thursday 9th December, weather permitting. Well done and thanks to all involved in this work.

The club’s Joint Management Committee is meeting (remotely) on Monday night to set a new date for the Joint Club AGM.

One of the facilities at the club that we may not notice or simply accept as always being there is the large machinery shed. This is a fine structure is the envy of many clubs. Well done to those who had the foresight so many years ago to appreciate the importance of having proper storage facilities for machinery and, more particularly, the courage to find the funds required for its construction.

Captains Tommy & Eileen

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