Tuesday 22 February 2022
The meeting was held in person in the clubhouse and was attended at the start of the meeting by Synergy Golf directors Garrett Donnery and Ronan Branigan who both gave detailed reports.
In his report, Garrett complimented the club on the high number of membership renewals and reported that society bookings at Kilcock were very positive for 2022. Ronan Branigan gave a detailed account of the work that will be undertaken on the course during the year. He pointed out the improvement in the soakage capacity of the fairways following the sanding and verti-draining that was carried out in 2021. The recent appointment of John Dowson, as assistant course Superintendent and fifth course staff member, will allow more work to be completed than was previously possible. The JMC adopted the agronomic plan for the course advised by Ronan and a copy of this plan can be viewed on the club’s website or by clicking on the link below.
Honorary Treasurer Dominic Holmes reported that finances are in line with the budget. He noted that the current bad weather meant no income from golf activities. The meeting approved the allocation of €2,000 for the development of junior golf within the club.
The meeting was told that the damage to the wooden floor in the dining room from previous flooding was repaired over the weekend.
The two clubs will discuss the possibility of having a joint approach to catering arrangements for club teams taking part in inter-club competitions.
The club hopes to enter the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Kilcock and would welcome expressions of interest from members in taking part. Please contact the pro shop.
The men’s and ladies clubs will look at the potential of running a number of social competitions during the year (for instance, on Sunday afternoons).
The March meeting of the JMC will be held on Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 8p.m.