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General Play is when an organised competition is not being contested and golfers are playing:

For your handicap to be a fair reflection of your playing ability you should return as many acceptable scores in competition as possible. It is not always easy to play in as many competitions as you may like so you are able to submit scores from General Play. This may be due to:

How to pre-register a General Play score


The Golf Ireland App provides for pre-registration and return of general play scores. The App can be used at players’ Home or Away Clubs.


To pre-register your intent to play a General Play score you should note the following:


Alternatively, you can email the Handicap Secretary, Kilcock Golf Club registering your intent to submit a General Play score at You must return the properly completed scorecard to this email address or drop the actual card into the Pro Shop for the Handicap Secretary’s attention.


If a player fails to return a General Play Score on the Golf Ireland App then Golf Ireland will automatically apply a penalty score to the player’s record. Players and attestors will get a series of emails before the automated penalty score (APS) is applied.


If a player persistently fails to return General Play scores the Handicap Committee may apply disciplinary action such as suspension of the handicap index for a period of time.


If you have any queries relating to the Golf Ireland App or the World Handicap System you can contact the Handicap Secretary at


Men’s Handicap and Competition Committees – March 2022

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